Killing my identity
Just like my serenity
I’m an I and not a me
No other I can see

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Killing my identity
Just like my serenity
I’m an I and not a me
No other I can be

Killing My Identity er skrevet og produceret i maj 2021

Vokaler (7)
Gibson Les Paul Deluxe Goldtop (2)
The Heritage Custom H-535 Anniversary LE (1)
Drum Synth (Logic Pro) (1)
African Marimba (Logic Pro) (1)
Choir-Mixed-Oh (Logic Pro) (1)
Cheasy Decays (Logic Pro) (1)
Old VHS Tape Synth (Logic Pro) (1)
Classic Electric Piano (Logic Pro) (1)
Picked Bass (Logic Pro) (1)
Heavy Kit trommer - (Logic Pro) (1)

Udgivelsesdato: 21. september 2021
© ℗ 2021 knakkergaard