East Berlin

Mens han dovent og uengageret vandrer rundt i en udtjent og over-transparent kunstlokalitet kaster en moderne Jubal sig henført ud i et næsten selvplagerisk dagdrømmeri i East Berlin; et dagdrømmeri, som domineres af forestillingen om, at ægte kunst egentlig kun kan skabes i nød og modgang – kort sagt: på trods. Billederne af den nødstedte ener, den i det moderne vesten uopnåelige persona, den sande kunstner, flyder trægt henover et indre lærred og fremkalder en sindslig tilstand, fuld af selvsmagende smerte, beklagelse og vellyst.

Stacks Image 67

I wanna live in East Berlin
Well not today of course it’s too mundane
I need the trouble of the past
And not the pleasures of the present

I’m just another stupid guy from nowhere
Aiming to make it great somewhere
Yes I’m a just another stupid guy from nowhere
Aiming to make it great

Jubal left me just a single odd refrain
That's only relevant if there’s something to complain
But nothing here is really that bad
At least not anything that makes me mad

I wanna live in East Berlin
Well not today of course it’s too mundane
I need the trouble of the past
And not the pleasure of the present

Cause I’m just another stupid guy from nowhere
Aiming to make it great somewhere
Dealing with a future masterpiece
Is the only thing that really can please

Cause when I look out the window
I see nothing
Nothing but my reflection
East Berlin er skrevet og produceret i november 2022

Vokal (3)
Fløjte (IK Instruments Miroslav Philharmonics) (1)
Klarinet (IK Instruments Miroslav Philharmonics) (1)
Fagot (IK Instruments Miroslav Philharmonics) (1)
Yamaha LL6 guitar (3)
Rotary Vibraphone (Logic) (1)
Mellow Vibe Piano (Logic) (1)
Latin Percussion (Logic) (1)

Udgivelsesdato: 21.12.2022
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